Why This Tesla's Wooden Cybertruck is an Internet Sensation

Wooden Tesla Cybertruck by Truong Van Dao from Vietnam

A Vietnamese man has spent his fortune to build a wooden cybertruck as a gift to the world's richest man and CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk. The truck is a replica of Tesla's newly commissioned luxurious Cybertruck.

The truck builder, Truong Van Dao, is a woodworker and a YouTuber from Bac Ninh, Vietnam, who happens to be one of the admirers of Elon Musk. As a show of love, he decided to create this amazing gift which he documented on his YouTube Channel.

The Tesla's Cybertruck replica cost Dao a whooping sum of $15,000 and took a total of 100 days to make it functional. The truck is equipped with waterproof wooden panels to make it water and rain-resistant, with LED lights. The truck also has an illuminated "X" logo to signify Musk's ownership of X formerly known as Twitter.

Elon Musk seems to be aware of the gift that is awaiting him through his tweets responding to Dao's post on X. Reports suggest that Dao and Tesla's executives are making plans to ship the Wooden Cybertruck to the US for official launch by the Tesla Club President.

For Dao, the project was motivated as a means to tell Musk that he admires his focus despite the delay in the cybertruck release over two years ago. Although Tesla launched its cyber trucks in November, Dao's wooden replica remains a trending headline.

The gift has gotten much approval from fans and internet users who are wowed by the unique creativity of Mr. Dao.

"Ideation, invention, innovation, come unto view... Such Specialty that can never go wrong. Tesla cybertruck indeed. Kudos Truong Van Dao," an internet user reacted.

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