Diabetes Cure Discovered from Frogs by a UK-Nigerian Doctor and Team

Diabetes cure discovered from frogs

A team of researchers, including a UK-based Nigerian doctor, has discovered a potential cure for Diabetes in frogs. The team, which consists of Dr Opeolu Ojo, at the University of Wolverhampton, England, identified a compound from the skin of the edible East Asian bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus) which they believe could potentially be used to treat Type 2 diabetes.

The Nigerian born doctor, Opeolu Ojo, and his team discovered that combining the molecule produced by the frog with an existing component of a type 2 diabetes drug was effective at boosting insulin production and improving glucose tolerance in mammals.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by a combination of several factors including certain lifestyle and genetic factors such as obesity, inactive lifestyle, poor diet, and having a family history of diabetes. Besides the above factors, certain ethnic and racial populations have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

People suffering from Type 2 of diabetes have insulin deficiency which lead to inability to produce enough insulin (a hormone that converts excess glucose in the body to storable form of sugar, glycogen, for glucose level regulation in the body). This insulin insufficiency can lead to dangerously high blood sugar levels, indicating those with the condition often require some form of regular insulin medication.

The study revealed that a protein molecule produced by the East Asian bullfrog, Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, was effective at boosting insulin production and improving glucose tolerance in mice. The research was carried out using a laboratory-created form of the frog skin protein molecule known as tigerinin-1, combined with the hormone GIP (Gastric Inhibitory Peptide), a component of the type 2 diabetes medication tirzepatide (Mounjaro), according to a report by the Diabetes Uk.

The medication mix was then used to treat some mice following standard medical research procedure. During the study, the team discovered that the combination of the two molecules posed no safety risks to the tested animals.

It was also observed that mice with type 2 diabetes who were given the combination treatment had a 50% increase in insulin production compared to those only administered the frog molecule, and a 30% increase compared to those who were only given GIP. The research, therefore, indicated that the combined treated was more effective in the diabetes treatment over single medications.

Presenting the medical research discovery at the Diabetes United Kingdom Professional meeting, Dr. Ojo, who is an expert doctor of Biochemistry at the University of Wolverhampton, said that he and his team plan to create a safe and potent alternative to the existing diabetic medications and insulin alternatives.

“Our research has uncovered great potentials of peptides from amphibian skin secretions, particularly their potential clinical use as novel agents for treating Type 2 diabetes.

By combining these peptides with some of the molecules that our body produces naturally, our desire is to create a safe and powerful alternative to current anti-diabetic medications which have many challenges, including their side effects and the ability to restore the body’s ability to control blood glucose.”

This is not the first-time molecules from animals are known to cure diabetes. Besides the tigerinin-1 molecule from the East Asian bullfrog, several other frog skin peptides such as CPF-SE1, magainin-AM2, esculentin-2CHa, and esculentin-2CHa are known to have antidiabetic potentials. The researcher's interest in frog skin for this research is because of the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities of the organ.

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