YouTube Allows Song Search by Melody or Humming


YouTube Song Search by Melody or Humming


YouTube has introduced a new feature allowing Android users to search for songs on the platform by humming with their voices or by playing a piece of melody while searching for any song or video of the choice.

With the hum or record feature, users can find songs even if they only remember a few bars of the melody. This makes it a valuable tool for music lovers who are looking for a specific song but can't remember its name or the singer.

In addition to the hum or record feature, YouTube is also testing a smart organization feature for subscription feeds. This feature will help users to better manage their subscriptions by grouping related videos together and highlighting new and trending content. The hum or record feature and the smart organization feature are just two of the many new features that YouTube is developing to improve the user experience.

In order to access the feature, open the YouTube app and tap on the search icon. Then hold the microphone icon by the right of the search bar to record your voice or play the melody of the song in question up to three seconds. This will enable the YouTube's machine learning algorithms to identify the song and return a list of matching results.

There could be inaccurate output in situations where users do not provide accurate notes of their tunes just like the glitches we experience during voice search. But this new feature is a promising new way to search for songs on YouTube. It is more accurate, convenient, and fun than traditional song search methods.

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